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Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.


It has been my pleasure to serve in the Virgin Islands Chapter of the National Day of Prayer Task Force for the last three years. It is now my honor and privilege to represent the U.S. Virgin Islands at the National Day of Prayer Task Force Leadership Summit in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania next month (September 15th - 18th). 

As a representative of the Virgin Islands, I want to serve you well. I invite you to share your concerns and prayer requests regarding the Islands so I can hold them before the Lord along with other intercessors from around the world who will be gathering at the Leadership Summit.

Please share your concerns by completing the form below as soon as possible. Then join me on a Zoom call on Tuesday, August 30, 2022, at 7pm AST to discuss your concerns and prayer requests in real-time and to meet with other prayer warriors and concerned citizens. If you are unable to attend the Zoom call, your input on the form below is still highly valuable and greatly appreciated.

If you are interested in supporting this prayer mission, I invite your partnership in 3 ways:

1. Prayer - Pray for me in the areas of traveling mercies, protection, and preparation in every respect.

2. Participation - Participate by completing this form, sharing it with others, attending the Zoom call, and inviting others to come.

3. Participation in Finances - Contribute to the expense of this trip. $1800 will cover the cost of registration, transportation, lodging, and food.  Together, we can get this done!

You can contribute via credit card throughthis link, or you can contribute through one of the following outlets:

PayPal or Zelle:

Cash App: $KISFree (K Is Free - all one word)

Venmo: GodsLoveSongMin


What concerns/prayers do you have for the US Virgin Islands?*

Additional concerns/prayers, if applicable.

Which sector(s) of the community do you represent? (Check all that apply.)*

If you checked "Other," please specify here.

Email Address*

Phone Number*



I would like to receive the following from Katherine Free/God's Love Song Ministries. (Check all that apply.)

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