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2021 Archives


Listed Alphabetically:


Fear of the Lord (2021)

Humility (2021)

Obedience (2021)

Listed Alphabetically:


2020: The Year of Perfect Vision (2020)

Authority (2020)

Correction (2022)

Faith (2022)

Fear of the Lord (2021)

Holy Spirit (2020)

Humility (2021)

Obedience (2021)

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Stepping into Obedience(7/15/21)

Challenges to Obedience+Antidotes to Disobedience (7/15/21)



An Introduction (2/18/21)

Humility: Walking with Jesus (2/25/21)

Humility: What a Gift! (3/4/21)

Humility: Taking God at His Word ABOUT US (3/11/21)

Humility: Taking God at His Word ABOUT US - Part 2(3/18/21)

Humility: Seeing What God Sees (3/25/21)

Humility: Seeing What God Sees - Part 2 (4/8/21)

Humility: Humility = Truth / Pride = Lie(4/15/21)

Humility: By the Grace of God, I Am What I Am (4/22/21)

Humility: Rising to Our Potential(4/29/21)

Humility: Obedience to the Heavenly Vision(5/13/21)

Humility: Why Does God Hate Pride?(5/20/21)

Humility: A Recap + A Deeper Look at Pride(5/20/21)

Humility: God, I Trust Your Judgment(6/3/21)

Humility: Divine Alignment(6/10/21)

Humility: Indicators of Pride (Locate Yourself)(6/10/21)Digital Download: Evidences of Pride

Humility: An Impartation of Freedom!!!(6/10/21)

Humility: God Has Big Plans for Us!(6/17/21)

Humility: Our Humility, God's Joy!!!(6/17/21)

Humility: Indicators of Pride, Pt. 2 (Rejoice!)(6/17/21)Digital Download: Evidences of Pride

Humility: Manifested Answer to Prayer(7/29/21)

Fear of the Lord

We Must Cooperate with the Word of God (1/7/21)

What is the Fear of the Lord: Letting the Bible Define Itself (1/14/21)

The Fear of the Lord: Practical Application (1/21/21)

Fear of the Lord: Wisdom and Knowledge (All Roads Lead to Intimacy) (1/28/21)

The Fear of the Lord: Benefits (2/4/21)

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