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Ministry Resources

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The Consecration Package

Jesus is Lord - BUT is He Yours? is a 7-page ebook/downloadable PDF. Reading this book will prompt you to do a private self-examination where you will be able to answer the question in the privacy of your own heart - Jesus is Lord, but is He MINE?

If you are saved, go to church, or are in ministry - this book is especially for you!

Consecration Journey is a 6-unit module that walks you through that all-important process of dying to self.

If you're still reading this description, this Consecration Journey is for you! It's gentle but strong. You can do it in the privacy of your own heart while sharing it with trusted accountability partners (like your spouse or small group Bible Study). You can do it at your own pace and still make sure you hit all of your checkpoints. At the end of this leg of your Consecration Journey, not only will you recognize areas where you need to die to self, but you will also have already begun taking the action steps needed to enjoy deeper levels of consecration unto the Lord.

Consecration Journey is a 24-page downloadable PDF. It comes with a Consecration Prayer, 4 discipleship videos, and a bonus unit at the end of the module.

Ministry Resources

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Ten years ago, someone asked me (in a rather agitated tone), "Katherine, why are you so much Word?" I answered them in a sentence or two. If there was one moment in time I wish I could get back, it would be that one. If I had it to do all over again, I would share with that person what I am honored to share with you in this ebook. More than just revelation, this is an impartation. May you be blessed, in Jesus' Name.


Have you made Jesus your Lord?

I’m not asking you if you’re saved. The answer does not lie in whether you believe in God,  if you’ve prayed the “sinner’s prayer”, how long you’ve been going to church, or even how long you’ve been in ministry. The answer lies in your response to a single question...

Take a moment to examine yourself as Katherine poses this all-important question in her eBook, Jesus is Lord, But is He YOURS? 

Get your copy today!


If you are like me, there are several things that you have

believed for but, for whatever reason, have not seen manifest in your life. I am grateful to God for the people that He has brought into my life to teach me how to receive the manifestation of His promises. By sitting under their teachings and allowing Holy Spirit to minister to me, I have learned the principles that I will share in this eBook. I am happy to say that I am experiencing greater manifestation of God's promises than I ever have. It is my joy to share these principles with you.

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